M&A Firm Spotlight: Capstone Headwaters LLC
April 2, 2018
Every so often, we like to spotlight an M&A firm that we think deserves extra attention. The combined group at Capstone Headwaters is certainly worthy of a nod, given their industry depth, office coverage, and experience across 150 M&A professionals.
They provide a full suite of services that many M&A groups cannot. This includes M&A, private placements (both equity and debt), corporate restructuring, business consulting, valuation and related strategic and financial advisory services.
Visit the new firm’s website here to learn more.

Capstone Headwaters’ industry coverage groups include: Aerospace & Defense; Agriculture & Farming; Building Products & Construction Services; Business Services; Consumer & Retail; Education & Training; Energy & Power, Health & Medical, Industrial Manufacturing, Industrial Technology, Minerals & Mining, Infrastructure Finance; Real Estate; Financial Services; Technology, Media & Telecom (TMT); and Transportation & Logistics. The firm maintains a dedicated research team that publishes real-time, capital markets dashboards and insights across these industry segments.
Capstone Headwaters will maintain headquarters in Boston and Denver with additional US offices in Atlanta, Boise, Burlington, Chicago, Dallas, Greenwich, Houston, Los Angeles, New York, Orange County, Philadelphia, San Diego, San Francisco, St. Louis, Tampa and WashingtonDC. International offices are located in London, UK and São Paulo, Brazil.
This firm is one of many great M&A firms that may not widely known nationally to buyers like you.
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