How Do You Stand Out from the Noise?
June 4, 2018
In a sea of noise with 15,000 active buyers out there trying to find the next deal, how do you compete with your messaging?
If you’re going to reach out to somebody once, plan on reaching out to them up to six times.
When CAPTARGET runs origination campaigns for funds or buyers, we typically initiate between four and six “touches” before we retire the prospect to some sort of long-term follow up sequence.
Over the years we’ve seen that sending 4-6 messages is necessary to give yourself a decent chance at getting a response. Anything less is often doing you a disservice.
To go a step further, to truly source effectively, we need to answer a few questions…
- Do you have the tech to automate organic-looking followups over time?
- Do you have systems or people to track followups?
Naturally, you should not send 6 messages in one week. Think strategically about the frequency of your messages so they appear to clearly come from a real person attempting to make a genuine personal connection to learn more about the target business.
You also need to have the technology in place to manage these campaigns (for sending, and tracking). Proper tracking will allow you to highlight certain targets, and focus your efforts on common openers, common readers, and maybe common visitors to your site.